Adding Custom Manual Applications

You may add custom manual applications for any state or species. The most common use of manual applications is when applying in an unsupported state or for an unsupported species. You may also want to use a manual application if applying for a tag with special circumstances (Youth, Military Only, etc), as DrawScout's data may not actively reflect the available units, dates, or costs.

To add a Custom Manual Application, click Add Application and choose this option from the dropdown.

Next, select what the application is for: Apply for Tag, Point Purchase, or Non-Primary Draw.

You'll now be prompted to enter some additional details.

  • Application Type: This is often the species, but sometimes more detailed. For example: "Antelope" or "Antelope Buck."
  • Species: Choose a Species from the dropdown. If the species you are applying for is not available, choose "Other."
  • Add your tag choices Enter the cost for applying. This is typically not the tag cost -- which will be entered later. This is the amount a state charges simply for filling out an application.

Add your tag choices

If applying for a tag or purchasing an OTC tag, you may now enter your tag details.

Click the Add Tag Choice button. You'll be prompted for details including Tag Name (e.g., "Any Legal Weapon"), Hunt Unit, Start and End Dates, and Tag Cost. 

You can also select "Upfront cost" if you must front the entire tag cost. Typically, in this case, you would also select "Refund on Unsuccessful" if you are refunded if not drawn.

You may enter additional Tag Choices if applicable. 

Select your licenses

For some states, available licenses will populate. You can choose from these, if available, or add a custom license. Click the gear and choose "Add Custom License" from the dropdown to add. Learn more about adding licenses here.

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